Channel: OverClocked ReMix: Video Game Music Community
Category: Music
Tags: mansion of delete (no sleep demon)oc remixmakoto tomozawasave theme remixresident evil ostocremixresident evil soundtrackrest remixsave theme coverresident evil musicvideo game musiccapcomoverclocked remixmichael hudakresident evil remixresident evil covergcn rest coversave theme remixsave theme covervgmocr
Description: FREE DOWNLOAD at OC ReMix: ReMixer: Michael Hudak ( - FREELY use OC ReMixes in videos/streams! • Game: Resident Evil (Capcom, 2002, GCN) • ReMixer(s): Michael Hudak • Composer(s): Makoto Tomozawa • Song(s): "Rest", "Save Theme", "Save Theme" • Posted: 2022-04-19, evaluated by the judges ----------------------------------------------------------------- Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation, preservation, and interpretation of video game music. Its primary focus is - a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. OC ReMix operates under the umbrella and sponsorship of Game Music Initiative, Inc, a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization. For interviews, articles, conventions, and soundtrack development with OC ReMix, contact us! • PLEASE HELP US STAY RUNNING! OC ReMix is a non-profit site that provides a ton of free music, which requires tons of bandwidth and a pretty hefty web server. • • • • • (Game Music Initiative, EIN: 81-4140676)